Zwerver 2003

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These are the pictures we made during our holidays on board
Zwerver during the delivery from Antigua to Newport, RI
Here is a copy of the weblog we kept there, too.

[Click to enlarge image] [Click to enlarge image] [Click to enlarge image] [Click to enlarge image]
002 Antigua Angel
667 X 500
50 KB
003 Antigua Mark
667 X 500
88 KB
009 Sailing from Antigua 3
375 X 500
41 KB
012 Sailing from Antigua 6
667 X 500
64 KB
[Click to enlarge image] [Click to enlarge image] [Click to enlarge image] [Click to enlarge image]
015 Sailing from Antigua 8
667 X 500
62 KB
017 RJ
375 X 500
46 KB
018 Martijn
375 X 500
40 KB
019 MJ & Angel set sail
667 X 500
52 KB
[Click to enlarge image] [Click to enlarge image] [Click to enlarge image] [Click to enlarge image]
020 MC
603 X 500
60 KB
022 MC & RJ
667 X 500
80 KB
025 Cockpit AS Mark Nanno MJ
674 X 500
65 KB
027 Cockpit Angel Mark Nanno
663 X 500
56 KB

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